Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day tour to Grand Canyon from Phoenix

Hello, After telling our friends about our trip, they are now coming, too!

Previously, Open Road Tours was suggested for a day trip to the Grand Canyon through Sedona, and it looks great to me. However, the hotel (Arizona Grand) told my friend about Southwest Tours. Which is better?

I%26#39;d like to consider quality and quantity of Arizona toured, and cost. My son turns 12 a few days before we go on the tour, and Open Road Tours considers age 12 an adult (full fare). Southwest considers 12 and under a child (half fare). But, it doesn%26#39;t look like Southwest stops in Sedona?

Any advice on which of these tours to take -- or of other good tour companies?


Day tour to Grand Canyon from Phoenix

Open Road or Pink Jeep would be my recommendations. It%26#39;s a long day though. It takes 4 hours to get from PHX to the GCNP. Add an hour or so if they promise a stop in Sedona (which is a big plus). So if you get 4 hours inside the GCNP you%26#39;ll have a day that lasts well over 12 hours.

Do you have time to rent a car and spend a night in Sedona or the GCNP (or both)? You%26#39;ll save money. A day trip is only going to give you a quick glimpse. Qulaity might be there, but quantity is not.

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