Saturday, March 24, 2012

First time out West

My wife and I are heading to the Westin Kierland Resort this year. Hope to visit The Grand Canyon,I have looked in each direction East and West,San Deigo and Vegas but I am sure there is a lot of hours between them and us. We are staying in Scottsdale. Anyone who would like to share their experiences at this resort or in Arizona we don%26#39;t want to miss anything the week we are there. BTW it will be in July

First time out West

Scottsdale in July will be very hot. I expect that you got a great rate at Kierland. Most people in the PHX/Scottsdale region who can afford the time or expense head north in the summer time. Flagstaff is a popular place for second homes, but for tourists and visitors like you, the Grand Canyon and Sedona are the places to go. It%26#39;s 2 hours to Sedona and 4 hours to the Grand Canyon NP from Scottsdale so day trips are a possibilty, but ideally you should spend a few nights. Not sure what kind of deal you might have at Kierland, but consider a few nights in Sedona and the one or two at the Grand Canyon if you can swing it.

First time out West

You picked a great resort. The Westin is fairly new, has very nice rooms, a terrific pool, and you can walk to the shops and dining of Kierland Commons. When you say you%26#39;ve looked east and west to San Diego and Las Vegas, do you mean to take a side trip there? If you only have a week in Scottsdale and also want to include the Grand Canyon, I wouldn%26#39;t recommend doing San Diego or Vegas, which are each a 5-6 hour drive. If you go to the GC, though, I%26#39;d recommend spending a night/day in Sedona, as well. As I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;re aware, July in Scottsdale will be very hot, but being up north gives you a nice reprieve from the heat.

Any suggestions if we were to stay in Sedona for a night or near the GC. AT LEAST A 3 STAR

go to or use the hotel links in the Sedona forum. Try Kings Ransom, Matterhorn or Sky Ranch Lodge

I know someone who recently stayed at the Southwest Inn at Sedona and raved about it. It%26#39;s a little boutique style hotel where the rooms have flat screen TVs and fireplaces, plus it includes continental breakfast - all for around $89 (or at least that%26#39;s what it was for this person). It gets great reviews here on TA. Sedona Rouge is a newer resort that also gets great reviews. And then of course there are always the famous Sedona resorts, L%26#39;Auberge and Enchantment.

What if anything should we watch out for as far as ';critters'; we%26#39;ve never been out west and don%26#39;t really expect to run into a rattler. However I have been warned of fire ants. Also any interesting wildlife we may run into that we may find interesting to look for on our trip.

Fire ants like places where there is moisture, so they tend to hang out at the golf courses. If you plan to play golf, just watch out for mounds that often form near the base of trees and shrubs where the irrigation or drip system is located. Stay out of the washes on the golf courses too. That%26#39;s where the rattlesnakes live.

You won%26#39;t see any other wildlife or critters that would be dangerous. Lots of birds to watch including the quirky Roadrunner. Most wild animals will be snoozing or hanging out in the shade during the day and they%26#39;ll come out after dusk when it cools down. You might see some coyotes. If you get up north to Sedona or beyond then you could see deer, elk, and maybe some javelinas. I%26#39;ve only seen one bear in all the years I%26#39;ve been here. He was watering himself at the edge of Oak Creek but quickly took off into the woods when he saw us coming.

Another thing to be wary of is cactus. Most are harmless as long as you keep your distance. But be very careful of jumping cholla. They look so soft and fuzzy, but if you get too close, the sections will break off and cling to your clothes or your skin. Very painful and a big time hassle to remove all those needles. Not worth testing, I promise.

You might see a squirrel in the trees, but you are not likely to encounter a rattlesnake unless you were to go hiking in the back country. I do not believe we have fire ants in Arizona. I have lived here for 31 years, have seen 2 snakes other than in remote places, a few coyotes, squirrels, ground squirrels (';gophers';) and lot so birds.

In the wild on purpose I have seen lots of snakes, gila monsters, javelinas, deer, elk, mountain lions, bobcats, bears and more, but you will not encounter them visiting here. All of these sightings have been in remote areas.

......commuting between Arizona and Toronto, during the summer you pace your self differently, get up play golf or exercise, swim have lunch a little relaxation by the pool.........nap.......go for cocktails, then dinner....everything is airconditioned, no big deal and often sprinklers as you walk around commoms areas. Have done it for years. You just adjust!

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