Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Inner Grand Canyon Jeep Tours

I%26#39;m planning a trip to the Grand Canyon in July. Does anyone have any feedback on Grand Canyon Jeep%26#39;s Inner Grand Canyon Jeep tour? They%26#39;re the onlt jeep tour I%26#39;ve found that goes all the way to the bottom of the canyon.

Inner Grand Canyon Jeep Tours

There are no Jeep tours to the bottom of the canyon at Grand Canyon Nat%26#39;l Park.

The only place you can drive to the Colorado river,are at Lees Ferry,where the GC rafting trips start from, or Diamond Creek road on the Indian reservation,quite a ways from the Nat%26#39;l park.

I looked at their website,and it looks like the tours are thru the forest on the rim.

Inner Grand Canyon Jeep Tours

The jeep tours take place to the west of the GCNP...way to the west. They will not take you to any of the spetacular sites that you will see from inside the park. Better to stay inside the GCNP and enjoy the best parts of the Grand Canyon there. Do a jeep tour in Sedona for more fun and a better complimemt to your GCNP experience.

Will you see better views if you take one of the Pink Jeep Tours out of Sedona or would that just be similar to the Inner Grand Canyon Jeep tour?

IMO you will see far better scenery on a Pink Jeep Tour in Sedona. Also, the jeep tour which goes to the river at Diamond Creek takes 10.5 hours time if leaving from GCNP South Rim. It is a full day adventure of which at least 3 hours in each direction is spent riding in a coach to get there. Much of the rise would be neither interesting or scenic. It also includes a tour of Grand Canyon Caverns. Costs $256 per person versus $75 for a 2 hour jeep tour in Sedona.

The scenery in Sedona is entirely different from what you will see at the Grand Canyon, or what you would see on a GC jeep tour. The 2 hour tour in Sedona will be interesting and informative. The ride to the west in a van and back outside of the GCNP will be long and boring. And the scenery you will see on a GC jeep ride is nothing like the scenery that you see from the rim inside the park at the GCNP. Those places are 100 miles apart.

The only true %26#39;bottom of the canyon%26#39; experience in the Grand Canyon is by mule, or a long hike down and then back up, or a week long raft trip. You%26#39;ll understand why when you arrive at the park. There%26#39;s just no other ways to get to the bottom in that region.

The jeep rides and helicopter flights that claim to land atthe bottom, are in a whole different place.

This is a typical source of confusion. The jeep tours that you mention are on the Hualapai Indian Reservation which is partly inside Grand Canyon (geologically).

They do not take place inside Grand Canyon National Park.

I was thinking about going to Slide Rock State Park. I saw, though, that there is a water quality hotline and that sometimes the slide is closed due to E. Coli bacteria. Is that a regular occurrence? It kind of makes me not want to get anywhere near the water, though the slide looks like it would be fun for my kids.

The water is tested and monitored daily during the warm weather swimming season. Oak Creek is fed by run off and underground drainage and leaching from the rim and higher elevations, mostly to the north. When water quality is bad or bacteria levels are high, the situation is posted and visitors are advised to stay out of the creek. Stuff happens.

But it%26#39;s definitely a fun thing for the kids if the water is ok?

Slide Rock State Park is a great activity for kids, just check with the park that day for water quality and bring plenty of your own water and drink it, getting dehydrated, even while playing all day in the water, is very common in AZ in the summer. It can be extremely crowded on summer weekends however. The jeep ride in Sedona is definitely superior overall to the jeep ride down Diamond Creek Road to the bottom of the Canyon. Even though it is a beautiful drive, it isn’t something you need a jeep do go drive down the road in. You go down that same road in an old school bus to do the one-day whitewater rafting in the Grand Canyon.

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