Monday, April 23, 2012

Grand Canyon caves

I have found that there are some very interesting caves near the Grand Canyon and since I am driving over from LV to see it in late april thought I might stop and check them out, anyone been?

Grand Canyon caves

I have not been to Grand Canyon Caverns. They are located on Route 66 between Kingman and Seligman north of I-40. It would like be a couple of hours detour on your trip from LV to GCNP.

Grand Canyon caves

I havenot been either but passed a couple of times. It%26#39;s on R66 and it has a motel and a fuelpump. Also accomodation in Peach Springs and Seligman.

The Grand Canyon Caverns are interesting if into caves ect... You walk through the cave there is a replica of the giant sloth bones they found and information on the military using it to store stuff in. Its got a quirky curio shop as well. its a nice little detour.

I liked Grand Canyon Caverns......but I%26#39;ve never met a cave I didn%26#39;t like :-)

Definitely worth the detour if you have the time.

Thanks, Janss. I too have been considering seeing the caves, so your opinion helps. I understand from their website they also have an RV park, so should be a nice stopover for a night from LV, as we intend to take Route 66.

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