Friday, March 30, 2012

Limited time in Sedona

My husband and I are taking a side trip to Sedona while on business. We will be arriving in Phoenix Friday 4/17 11am and have to be back Sunday 3pm.

With such a short time to spend what are the absolute musts/experiences we should do? It is also our first visit. We will be staying at the Hilton.

Any suggestions on restaurants, vistas, hikes, etc. would be appreciated. Is the Yavapai restaurant really worth it or can you suggest some other? We are more for the scenery than the 4 diamond menu. We love to eat/drink outside. Perhaps you can suggest a unique bar or other entertainment.


Limited time in Sedona

Do a jeep tour and visit the Chapel of the Holy Cross. Tour Oak Creek Canyon. Elote Cafe was just named the best restaurant (mexican) in Sedona by AZ Highways magazine. Other good ones include Cowboy Club, Cucina Rustica and Dahl %26amp; Diluca.

Limited time in Sedona

Thanks for such a quick response. Trip Advisor lists 2 jeep tour companies - Red Rock and Pink Jeep. Again for the limited time we have which tour of each would you recommend? I%26#39;m thinking a 2 hr tour.

Thanks again.

Pink Jeep Co, Broken Arrow is the most popular tour. Red Rock, Soldiers Pass is a good option.

-Tlaquepaque (Mexican village with shops %26amp;art galleries)

-Airport Mesa at sunset (great views)

-Slide Rock State Park (walk to creek, interesting buildings on the way) driving through Oak Creek Canyon to get there

-Hiking (Easy trail: Bell Rock, around 45 minutes

-Outdoor dining: Hideaway or Ken%26#39;s Creekside near the Y

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