Thursday, April 12, 2012

sunrise/sunset at the north rim

Any advice as to where to take in a sunrise and sunset at the Grand Canyon North rim in May? Thanks!

sunrise/sunset at the north rim

We really liked watching the sunset from the area behind the dinning room. It can get crowded and cold though so beware!

What part of May are you visiting? The NR usually doesn%26#39;t open until mid May.



sunrise/sunset at the north rim

Hi and thanks. I arrive May 15, which is basically the first day of the season up there. I was wondering if the views further out (Cape Royal, say) had any special sunrise or sunset attributes. Thanks for reminder about the cold...I%26#39;ll bundle up!

I would not drive back from Cape Royal in the dark and would take SJG%26#39;s advice. Better take that scenic drive in daylight imo. If I remember correctly it took us 1 hour.

Try this sight, it gives the sun rise/sun set for many places around the world. Las vegas looks like the nearest.鈥?/a>

Good idea Smudge. Here%26#39;s another one with GCNP

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