Friday, March 30, 2012

LV-Sedona-Gr.Canyon-Monument Val.?

We are flying into LV, spending 2 days there, then starting a 5 day road trip in AZ.ending in LV Is it too ambitious to try to do Sedona, Gr. Canyon, and MT. Valley? What route would you recommend?

LV-Sedona-Gr.Canyon-Monument Val.?

You could easily do your road trip in 5 days. Realistically it will give you one day at each attraction. People here can tell you routes, but you can also do this for yourself using Yahoo or Google maps. Doing it yourself also familiarizes you with the area. For Monument Valley, use Kayenta AZ as the destination.

LV-Sedona-Gr.Canyon-Monument Val.?

Day 1 drive to GCNP. (5 hour drive) Stay the night.

Day 2 explore GCNP leave late in the day for Monument Valley. (3 hour drive) try to arrive for sunset. Stay at MV

Day 3 MV tour, drive to Sedona

Day 4 Explore Sedona

Day 5 return to LV (5-6 hours)

Thanks so much for the response and reassurance! I%26#39;m curious: Why did you recommend this particular routing? Not knowing hte area, I assumed LV to Mt. Valley to GC to Sedona to LV was the obvious route.PLEASE advise.

That%26#39;s an option. It will take about 8 hours to get from LV to MV whether you go around the Grand Canyon to the north or the south, but you do have to go around it. I prefer to use the fastest roads to get to the destinations quickly.

Taking the southern route to the GCNP South Rim uses I-40. You can average 70-80 miles per hour all the way. Spend an afternoon, overnight and most of the next day at the GCNP and then proceed up to MV either via Page or across the reservation through Tuba City. Overnight at MV, ideally at Gouldings or Views inn if you can get a room, otherwise stay in Kayenta about 45 minutes away. Tour MV the next morning and then head down to Sedona using the Page or Tuba City route to Flagstaff and then down through Oak Creek Canyon on 89A. Enjoy Sedona as long as you can and then return to LV via Oak Creek Canyon and I-40 again.

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