Saturday, March 24, 2012

Honeymoon present - GC day tour from LV

Hi everyone,

I%26#39;ve seen a couple of posts about people staying in GC as part of their honeymoon but I was hoping to ask about particularly romantic day trips to GC (likely GC West) from Las Vegas.

Two of my friends are getting married in May (I%26#39;m actually maid of honour) and heading off on their honeymoon the day after the wedding - very traditional!

They%26#39;re flying straight into Vegas and were planning just to spend a few days there before heading back through Death Valley. From experience though, I did a similar trip last year - the Grand Voyager with Scenic - which was astonishing. Therefore I%26#39;ve decided to get them something similar as their wedding present.

While I%26#39;d happily get them the same tour, I wondered if anyone knew of other, particularly romantic packages or companies that are willing to negotiate on details (like providing champagne / allocating them a helicopter to themselves etc.)? All ideas and suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Thanks folks!


Honeymoon present - GC day tour from LV

First, you need to understand that grand canyon west is entirely different from the Grand Canyon Nat%26#39;l Park. The two places are about 150 miles from each other,and while technically gcw is a part of the Grand Canyon it is NOT what you experienced on your GC Conniseur trip. Both places are scenic, but the GCNP is the ultimate Grand Canyon whereas gcw is a lower elevation and less dramatic region. It is popular with LV visitors because it is closer and accessible by helicopter. GCNP requires a fixed wing flight or ground transportation.

The romance of the GCNP is something special indeed, but as you well know, it is best enjoyed on an overnight visit.

If you are thinking more of surprising your friends with a flight trip to gcw, there are tons of packages that you can find from LV that include landing at the river and champagne picnics and the like. Negotiating prices is not common. Discount incentives might be, but the bottom line is that if you pay less, you will get less.

So you need to determine where it is that you want to send your friends. If it is gcw, I suggest that you search the Las Vegas forums and look for reviews about trips from there. You%26#39;ll find that there are dozens of tour booking agencies who book on behalf of two or three actual trip providers. Generally it is best to book directly with the provider as they will be more accomodating and flexible if you need to cancel or modify the trip arrangements.

If you intend to send your friends to the GCNP, then the same situation applies regarding agents vs providers, butthe options will be fewer and customizing romantic options will be limited, especially for day trips. Overnight trips can be customized more and romantic options at the hotel (ideally El Tovar) would be best.

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