Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Is it hot in August?

OK!! I know it will probably be a little warm at the GC end of July/begin. of Aug. But how hot is hot? Have never been to AZ and not sure how the summers compare to say, Florida summers which I have done many times. Is it unbearable to hike and do other activities?

Is it hot in August?

Hi kellygal,

We were there in 2006 at the same time. For us it was in the mid 80s. It does not compare to Florida(or Illinois) because the humidity is so low.

Remember, the farther down you hike in the canyon, the hotter it gets.

Enjoy your trip!

Is it hot in August?

Right ! It%26#39;s nice on top and sticky at the bottom. I hiked down three times in July/August (different years), and temperatures at Phantom Ranch were always over 100 degrees. But it%26#39;s fantastic !

Oh yes, it will be HOT! It will be fantastic, just remember to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

The elevation at the South Rim is close to 7000 ft. It%26#39;s a desert environment, so the air is dry. Temperatures in August usually are in the low 80%26#39;s, so it%26#39;s comfortable for outdoor activities at the rim. As stated, it%26#39;s a lot hotter in the canyon.

Be prepared for change, however. I was at Mather Point once in mid-August when a cold front brought rain and a 30 degree temperature drop in an hour. On the way back to the village, I drove through a patch of snow. Not likely to happen, however it can turn cooler unexpectedly, and the nights cool down.

It%26#39;s around 5-10 degrees cooler at the North Rim which is over 1000 ft higher.

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