Monday, April 23, 2012

Antelope Canyon + Bryce Canyon og Monument Valley

We%26#39;re a little group from Norway on a holidaytrip to Arizona in the middle of March. We%26#39;ve found Antelope Canyon on Google Earth and decided immideately to go there. We%26#39;ve booked a hotel in Page 15th-16th of March. We appreciate any good advices on how we could get the most out of our trip to Antelope Canyon /Pgge area. We thought perhaps to visit the horse shoe bend in the morning og the 16th. And then visit Antelope Canyon...

Is it doable to visit Bryce Canyon or Monument Valley on the same day as we visit AC and still make the hotel we%26#39;ve booked i Cameron on the 16th?? Maybe we then will have to spend the most of the day in our rentalcar... ;-(

And what would you prefer(if it%26#39;s poosible...!) Monument V og Bryce C.

Moste gratefiul for your advices!!

Firtstimers in the US...

(Sorry my bad english...)

Antelope Canyon + Bryce Canyon og Monument Valley

Bryce canyon isn%26#39;t even in Arizona so thats a huge no. Monument Valley probably not. Its a long drive. I%26#39;d say Monument valley since its in Arizona. Bryce Canyon is in Utah its a good oh 5-6+ hrs away from Flagstaff. LOL The southwest is much more spread out than what people think it is. I say stick to Arizona area depending on how much time you have here in the states.

Look at this map click on the UTAH part and you can see where Bryce is compaired to MV.

Antelope Canyon + Bryce Canyon og Monument Valley

Page to Monument Valley to Cameron is feasible in one day. Quite some driving, but feasible... If you have limited time, why not ? It%26#39;s certainly something you won%26#39;t find in Norway ;-).


But they have the Fjords Bayoute!!!

Senior, welcome to the forum.

Where are you coming from before Page on march 15?

Antelope Canyon is best visited midday but in march the sunbeams won%26#39;t reach the canyonfloor and that%26#39;s what you probably saw on the photo%26#39;s. Nevertheless Antelope always is awesome but still best visited midday.

Horseshoe bend overlook is just south of Page, west of hw89. You%26#39;ll have to walk to the rim for about 15-20 minutes and back. There%26#39;s a parkinglot and it%26#39;s signposted. No garding rails so take care. The overlooks on Colorado River are breathtaking. Don%26#39;t miss.

So if you only can use march 16 for this trip I would recommend to first see Horseshoebend overlook, then go to Antelope Canyon (it%26#39;s just east from Page on hw98 (not 89) and you%26#39;ll see the parkinglot at your righthand side. Pay you fee at the booth ($ 6,--and your tourfee ($ 20,--) pp at the little cottage at the end of the parkinglot. A jeep will bring you to the entrance of the Canyon. Count on 1.5 hours for the visit, the ride included.(but not the waitingtime if there is any)

From Page to Monument Valley is less than a 2.5 hours drive. The entrance to Monument Valley is on hw163 almost at the Utah border. Drive to the right, pay your fee and drive to the parking lot. You%26#39;ll see lots of Navajo guides offering tours. You can take tours into the Valley from 1.5 hours. You also can drive yourself but it%26#39;s not allowed with a rental car, but many people do. Taking a tour will learn more about MV. You also just can go to the visitor center and see famous rocks from there.

From Monument Valley to Cameron is another good 2 hours.

No way to visit Bryce and Monument Valley in one day.


But they don%26#39;t have Bryce Canyon either :-))

Tet14, you%26#39;re the best !

Thanx a lot for the answers.

I think that the route that Tet14 suggests is a good idea. (If th weather and everything else is going our way...!)

We%26#39;re driving from Phoenix to Page the first day, stays one night in Page, the next night in Cameron Trading Post and after that we%26#39;re going to Grand Canyon Village for a night.

It%26#39;s probably the first and last opportunity we will have to see this part of the world, but we of course realize that we cant%26#39;t get it all!!

Still appreciating advices and ideas on things to see an do in this part of the world!

Thanks again!!

I suppose you will start Phx early in the morning on your way to Page. Have you ever heard of Sedona?

Ok, give you some sights between Phoenix and Page:

Drive I 17 to exit 298. Take az179 to Sedona and amaze yourself. Also make a stop at Montezuma Castle before Sedona.

Then take az89A north of Sedona and see Oak Creek Canyon. Then to Flagstaff and us89 north. Take the loop via Sunset Crater Volcano NM and Wupatki NM.

Are you driving back to Phx after your GC stay?

Visiting all the mentioned sites in one day will be hard, so you%26#39;ll have to make choices.


Hi Tet14!

Thank you for your help and great service! I%26#39;m really impressed and grateful!

We%26#39;re arriving av Phx Airport at 2.30 PM, so I don%26#39;t think there will be time for more activities than driving up to Page on that day!

After GC we%26#39;re going to Las Vegas for two days (probably) and we%26#39;re starting our homeward journey from San Diego four/five days later. This means that we have totally nine days to spend from Phoenix to San Diego. And we have booked hotels for the first five nights. The last four/five days we thought it would be a good idea not to make very fixed plans...

I%26#39;m still very grateful for any hints and advices from everybody, on what to do and what to see...

Hi Senior

I don%26#39;t know if you%26#39;re coming directly from Norway or with a domestic flight, but if you are coming from Norway, probably with a stop over first and arriving 2.30 pm you%26#39;ll be very tired if not exhausted. There%26#39;s an 8 hours timedifference and you most centainly heard about jetlag. Plus, there can be delays, plus you%26#39;re not on the road by 2.30 pm. Pick up luggage, shuttle to the rentalcarstation, maybe wait there, pu rental car, find your way etc.

If you are lucky you%26#39;re on the road by 4 pm.

It can take up to 5 hours for people unknown with the roads to reach Page from Phoenix and I certainly would not recommend to drive in the dark. (Dark is very dark here) Even maybe snow can occur that time of year and sunset 6.30 pm (No daylights saving time in Arizona mid march). Believe me, we have done dozens of flights to the Usa and are never going on a long drive after arriving even not in the daylight. Think twice, safety first.



Hi again, Tet14!

Thanks for your concern....

We%26#39;re arriving from Norway to Texas four days earlier, so I hope we%26#39;ve accommodated a little to ';another time';.


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