Saturday, March 24, 2012

Page: Off-Season, Great Time to Visit

My wife and I visited Page the week of October 27. It seems that this is past the busy season for Page, as some of the restaurants and tour companies start to cut back on services during October with the end of November appearing to be the end of the season. However, this had very little impact on our vacation.

We flew into Las Vegas on Monday (10/27) and stayed overnight. We started out for Page on Tuesday, stopping at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon on the way (just for a quick peak over the edge). Very scenic drive, once you get to the Virgin River Gorge. We took our time getting started so it was dark about the time we got to Navajo bridge, so we missed the scenery from there to Page…but we picked that up later in the week.

Wednesday we were scheduled to see Upper Antelope Canyon. We had booked the photography tour with Chief Tsosie. There were only three of us on this tour. Our guide was Vera, and she was excellent. She did a good job of herding folks from the other tours so that we could get the best shots in the canyon. We went on the 10:30 AM tour, which is generally the most crowded, and there were a fair number of folks, but not so many that you could not get good pictures. This was probably an advantage to going in the “off-season”. A minor downside to going later in the year was that the sunlight beams in the canyon were not as apparent and did not travel as low into the canyon. Antelope Canyon was amazing! Certainly worth the price of admission. Vera pointed out all the best photo spots and helped with setting up the shots and camera settings. The extra time in the canyon was definitely worth it.

We toured the Glen Canyon Dam in the afternoon. Excellent and informative tour. As mentioned in previous threads, the tour will cost $5 starting 1/1/2009 (currently free); still a great deal. The tour takes a little less than an hour and you can spend another 30 minutes just going through the visitor center exhibits. The staff in the book store were very helpful with maps and information on other local activities. After the dam tour (sorry, couldn’t resist), we walked the hidden garden trail which is just east across the bridge from the dam. Fairly easy little hike to the hanging garden. No shade on the trail, so take some water.

Thursday was our open day, that is, no prearranged tours. We thought about driving to Monument Valley, but the 2.5 hour drive each way did not sound like a lot of fun. So instead we did several more local activities. First we stopped by Horseshoe bend. Short, easy walk to the overlook (hard part is the sandy trail takes some effort). Great view of the canyon, but I have no idea how anyone could get a complete view of the bend; I just could not bring myself to get that close to the edge. We next drove south on Rte 89 to 89A and across to the Navajo Bridge. Very scenic little drive (this was the part that we missed on the drive into Page earlier in the week) that end in great views of the Colorado river and canyon from the original bridge. Good views of the Vermillion Cliffs as well. We also drove into Lee’s Ferry and hiked about a bit. Interesting history.

On Friday, we took the Hummer Tour of more slot canyons in the area (Jay was the guide). We took the 5-hour tour that covers three slot canyons, Staircase, Passage and Secret Canyons. The tour was me, my wife and the tour guide….no one else for miles. The canyons were similar to Antelope Canyon, but each still had their own character. We were able to take all the pictures we wanted with no interference from other tours. Antelope had slightly better lighting, but all the canyons were quite nice. Staircase and Passage are shorter, and required a little scrambling. The guide suggested that I ditch the tripod for those two. Secret canyon is about 1500 feet and is a fairly easy walk (just a couple of places to step up over rocks). Another advantage of touring these less traveled canyons is the wildlife. We got up close to a great-horned owl in Passage Canyon (bad news was that without a tripod, I could not get a clear photo due to the low light in the canyon, but it was still cool to see!). Also saw a lot of animal tracks, including two sets of bobcat tracks).

The two slot canyon tours (Antelope and the Hummer tour) provide totally different perspectives. Since we had the time and because the point of the trip was to see the slot canyons, it was very much worth it to take both tours. I also think that the order we did the tours (Antelope then the Hummer tours) worked well, since we got the good overview of the more tourist centric canyon then went on the more rugged tours. I would be hard pressed to pick one tour over the other.

BTW, the Hummer ride does go over a lot of tough terrain, but the drive is at a safe pace that does not jar the occupants. Good way to see some of the desert around Page.

Saturday was the cruise on Lake Powell to Rainbow Bridge. Departed from Lake Powell Resort at 9:00 AM. Took about 2.5 hours to get to Rainbow Bridge, floating past some truly amazing landscape and rock formations. We had about 1.5 hours at Rainbow Bridge. The water level in the lake had risen such that the walk to Rainbow Bridge from the floating dock was 2/3 of a mile (I think the walk was reported as 1.25 miles last year). There were some advantages to taking this tour later in the year. First, the weather was perfect (as it was all week); much cooler than summer when the big crowds at the Bridge (even the Ranger at the Bridge commented on this). The size of the tour group was a fraction of the summer tours (we had 21 people on the boat; I think the summer tour is about 100). Also, the tour is scheduled for 7.5 hours to account for the traffic on the lake in the summer; the tour boat as to slow to a crawl to pass houseboats, but we only passed two houseboats so we made good time. Since we had extra time, the crew took us into Antelope Canyon (the wet end of the slot canyon). Nice little side trip. Out of season notes: the cruise to Rainbow Bridge is only offered on Saturday (starting 11/1/08 until sometime next spring, I reckon). Also, 11/1/08 was the last day that the National Park Ranger was scheduled to be stationed at Rainbow Bridge.

The bonus for us on this trip was the Page/Lake Powell Balloon Regatta. There were mass launches of about 45 hot air balloons on Friday and Saturday morning (balloons were flying about 0800). On Saturday evening, there was a street fair (the main drag through Page was closed to traffic) with the balloons setup right down the middle of the Lake Powell Blvd. A really cool sight when the burners were lit; the balloons lit up against the night sky.

On Sunday, we drove back to Las Vegas for the red-eye flight back to Ohio. We took Rte 89 north to Kanab then back through Zion. Along the way, we stopped at the Toadstool trail (mile marker 19 as you head north along Rte 89 into Utah) and took that short hike to some very interesting rock formations that look just like, well, toadstools! Short hike over sandy terrain along a wash to get to the toadstools and certainly worth the effort. We were probably there just over an hour but these unique features are worth the trip. Nice way to break up the drive.

Overall a great trip. Saw some great sites and still had plenty of time to relax. In another thread the point was made to not over plan the trip, to leave some flexibility in the schedule. This is exactly what we did and it worked out great. We had a few things scheduled, but left time each day to go in whatever direction the spirit moved us. I think that this is a great way to handle any trip.

Page: Off-Season, Great Time to Visit

Great report! Thanks for posting. You details will be helpful to many others, I%26#39;m sure.

Although you hit the shoulder season, you really lucked out. This fall has been one of the best ever! It%26#39;s only just starting to turn cool now here in Sedona, and I%26#39;m sure that what you experienced in Page was warmer than normal for late October. But good for you!

Page: Off-Season, Great Time to Visit

One of the best reports specific just to Page. Thanks so much for sharing. It sounds like you were able to truly able to enjoy what you did and saw. Way to go. And a bonus with the balloon festival, how fun!

Where did stay and did you like it?

Excellent OhioHick. Been to the Page area many times ourselves and always enjoyed. Glad you mentioned milemarker 19, I always thought it was 20 -lol- Did you also stop at the Old Paria memorial? I also would like to know where you stayed.


Thanks for the kind comments on my Page trip report. It was my pleasure to share about my trip since this forum was so very helpful in planning the trip.

Let%26#39;s see if I can cover all the follow-up questions...

We probably did get a little lucky on the weather, althrough the highs and lows seemed to be on target for the reported normals. we had blue skies every day except for the drive bakc to LV on Sunday (and even that worked out as it was easier on me to drive in the overcast).

We stayed at the Courtyard by Marriott. Very nice place. I picked it based on the information from this site...and because it was on the golf course! The Marriott was very nice, clean, friendly staff and a decent restaurante (Peppers), and OK cost. Only drawback was that there was no straight forward way to walk back to town. There is no sidewalk on Lake Powell Blvd from the Marriott back toward town. There is a less direct path that utilizes part of the golf course cart paths then connects to teh hiking trail that wraps around page. Not a long trip, but certainly not an obvious choice.

BTW, while we stayed right next to the golf course, I never did play...just too much great stuff to do out in nature!

Antelope Point Marina (floating restaurante) - cool location and a good looking menu, however, they were only open on the weekend (end of season thing) and onlly offered a pizza and pasta buffet (it was OK, but a bit disappointing overall). Would like to try this place during the season.

Fiesta Mexicana (dinner) - we hit this on Saturday evening during the balloon glow; place was packed, but we were seated right away and had very good service (very friendly folks). Good mexican food and killer margs! I%26#39;d go back to this place, as well.

There were several trails/places of interest heading north on 89 out of town, but we only stopped at the Toadstool trail (just can%26#39;t do everything!).

I have been thinking about going to Page during the Hot Air Balloon Regatta. I was wondering how many balloons there would be at one time. I%26#39;m glad you wrote about that, didn%26#39;t realize there was also a street fair.

I have visited Page twice, so far, houseboating and then just visiting the same sights you did. I think your schedule was just right. You took the time to really soak in the sights, sounds, and feel of that area.

Thanks for the details, they will really help the next person planning to vist that area.


The ballon regetta was fun to watch but we did so from a distance since we already had tours planned on Friday and Saturday mornings (as I mentioned, we did not know about the regetta until we were already well into the planning for this trip). Staying at the Marriott was a plus as the major launch site can be seen from the hotel parking lot.

The Hummer Tour folks sponsored one of the balloons; the guide told me there were 52 ballooons this year. He indicated that it seems to grow a little each year. The manager at the Marriott said that the ballon folks usually need crew help and that sometimes the volunteer crew can get free rides. They start setting up about 0700 and the balloons are getting airborne just before 0800. I think they use 3 launch sites, but the main one on the ';old golf course'; (west side of rte 89 near the Glenn Canyon/Lake Powell Park HQ). Both Friday and Saturday, the balloons floating eastward over Page and generally landed somewhere along rte 98 (very near the roads to faciliate loading).

The street fair was nice and weel attended. The ballon glow was obviously the high-light (use a tripod to get good pics). They did have a DJ (who was too loud) and vendors selling food and trinkets. Only a limited about of art work (jewerly mostly; what we there was nice, just not a lot); would have been nice if they could draw artists in (from Sedona or Flagstaff perhaps) to bolster the quality of the vendor area.

Thanks so much for posting this terrific report, Ohio! Glad you got to see our Balloon Regatta, it sure is a fun event for both locals and visitors and we%26#39;re glad to have it.

For some of the above posters interested in attending next year%26#39;s (or future) Regatta, it typically happens the first weekend in November (in 2009 it is tentatively scheduled for Halloween weekend) and participation is capped at 50 balloons due to space constraints. Activities consist of morning launches Friday Saturday and Sunday (weather permitting) and the glow on Saturday evening. It has become a popular event, so hotels do fill up.

It interesting to read abt yr trip wish i ve enough time to go to these places as well. I m planning to drive from LA to granc canyon stopping at kingman for 1 night n then to sedona for another night and then to grand canyon for 3 nights (BEEN THERE B4 AND LOVE THE CANYON)

I was there end of oct and was told the road to north rim is close.

this time i hope to leave grand canyon on he 30/11 and drive to lake powell for 1 night. can u pls advise me on the best route to take from grand canyon south rim to north rim n then to lake powell (pls also tell me where to stay in page or lake powell resort) do i need more than 1 night for this area?

after page i am driving to bruce canyon for 1 night, then to zion for 1 night which will be 1/11 and on 2/11 will drive from zion to LV for 3 nights. hoping to take a day trip to death valley from LV.

can u pls look at my intinery and advise me of a better intinerry and any changes needed?

thks very much


Sorry, but you%26#39;re going to find the North Rim closed again on this visit. It typically closes in mid October and reopens in mid May. This is due to the remote location and limited access and potential for extreme weather conditions.

However, if you%26#39;re spending time at the South Rim you will have much to see and do and your enjoyment of the Grand Canyon will not be diminished. And it%26#39;s easy to get from the GCNP South Rim to Page. I would advise you to spend at least 2 nights there to enjoy all of the surrounding attractions and scenery including Antelope canyon, Lake Powell, Glen Canyon, Horseshoe Bend Overlook and more. I would urge you to delete your night in Kingman and add a night in Sedona. There%26#39;s really no reason to stay over night in Kingamn.

Then from Page you can proceed on up to Bryce Canyon NP and/or Zion NP.

Thks Redrox. will be sorry to miss north rim again and will stay 2 nights in page any idea of a place to stay? and will stay in sedona i ve been to sedona n love it.

I posted my whole intinery on the arizona forum will u pls read n comment on it. thks again


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