Wednesday, April 25, 2012

safety hiking alone?

I am planning a trip to Sedona and am wondering if there have been any safety issues for women hiking/walking around the trails alone during the day? I would obviously try to stay around people, but you never know.... thanks

safety hiking alone?

There have never been any issues that I%26#39;m aware of regarding the safety of a single woman hiker around here.

However, it is always risky to go hiking alone for other reasons. Just last month we lost one of our communty%26#39;s leaders in a hiking accident. And he was hiking with a group. But one missed step resulted in a fatal fall. Had he been hiking on his own, the search might still be going on. He fell almost 100 feet.

Obviously most of our trails are very safe, but when you%26#39;re out in the forest, you need to take every precaution. Most of the trails have sign in boxes at the trailheads where you can sign in, note the time and day that you%26#39;re hiking and at least have a record posted. And you should always let someone know where you plan to hike whenever you go out. Even if it%26#39;s a call to your friends back home.

Use common sense and you should be OK. There haven%26#39;t been any other concerns around here.

safety hiking alone?

Yikes! I am trying to be brave going by myself and here you are telling me about a fatal fall! I guess I will need to do more research on the trails to find out the difficulty, etc. I am most interesting in just viewing the rock formations and seeing that beautiful scenery for myself, not doing any technical climbing or hiking, but I guess accidents can happen. Thanks for the good advice.

Sorry. I didn%26#39;t mean to scare you. But safety is always the most important concern. Most of the trails around Sedona will afford you the scenery and beauty that you%26#39;re looking for, without putting you in danger. But do be careful. Have a great vacation!

Please consider what happened to a woman hiking

alone with her dog on a Georgia mountain trail this

past week. There were many others on the trail but

she was kidnapped and murdered. It is never safe

to hike alone.

Thanks everyone for the cautions. We were just talking at work today (after I announced I was going to Sedona alone) about the woman who was murdered hiking alone. It does give me something to think about especially since I%26#39;m a Risk Manager!! I will try to find a travel buddy before I arrive in May, now that I have been sufficiently warned. Thanks everyone.

Wait a minute, the person who died from a 100 foot fall was not on a ';sanctioned'; trail. The group was hiking off established trails which is dangerous. As long as you stay on marked trails you should not have any problems hiking.

If you stay on the popular trails there are enough other hikers that you should not have a problem.

Boyton Canyon

Bell Rock Pathway

Courthouse Butte

Little Horse


Are all very well traveled trails by locals and visitors that you would enjoy with very little chance of a problem.

Have fun!

Well, that was really what I was hoping to hear was as long as I stayed on some more populated trails that I should be ok. I would obviously like to have some company, but there seems to always be the money, time, dissimilar interests pitfalls to run into, so I thought I would strike out on my own for a change and Sedona has always been high on my list.

You can do it. Stick to those trails that MTB mentioned. They%26#39;ll give you plenty to see without putting you in any danger.

We met lots more people hiking West Fork of Oak Creek than we did going around Courthouse Butte, and we missed the trail markers and got off the main trail on the north side of the Butte! But as a 50 something female hiker, I would feel comfortable on a popular trail by myself.

I am in the hospitality business and we have never had a problem with guests hiking on their own, stay on the trails and take plenty of water to drink.

I am a older wise female and hike on my own all the time.

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