Monday, April 23, 2012

Jeep Tours and GCNP late March

From previous recommendations I%26#39;ve decided to take my teen son on a jeep tour while in Sedonna. I am certain he would enjoy it but since I don%26#39;t normally enjoy amusement park rides, I am wondering if there are any jeep rides that focus on the natural beauty as opposed to a freefall experience. How rough is the Broken Arrow tour and what other milder jeep tour would you recommend?

Also, I%26#39;ve made a reservation to stay in the park for 1 nite preceeded by a 2 nite stay in Sedona. I am considering staying 3 nights in Sedona and just going to GCNP as a day trip. How difficult is it to drive in the dark after sunset from GC to Sedona?

This would be for late March. Any chance of snow on the roads in late March?


Jeep Tours and GCNP late March


We have been to Sedona but didnot take a Jeeptour. Our local expert RedRox is in Australia so he can%26#39;t answer but I hope Janss or one of the other well informed folks from Sedona will answer.

To answer your other questions:

Snow: You%26#39;re at 7000 ft in GCNP so it can happen.

Drive in the dark: Don%26#39;t. Dark is dark here and I would not recommend on unknown roads, plus the descent to Sedona from Flagstaff is rather curvy. . .

GCNP: Dayvisit? Oh boy, you can spend days at the rim and always see something different. Stay that night at the rim by all means.


Jeep Tours and GCNP late March

Thank you for the great advise. We will stay overnight at GCNP and avoid the dark drive back to Sedona.

The pink jeep tour broken arrow is good

Thank you. I called Pink Jeep this morning and have booked the Broken Arrow tour. Their rep has convinced me that I should be able to enjoy the tour as much as my son without a doubt will.

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