Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Super Bowl

Where is the best place location wise to stay if going to Super Bowl.

I know it%26#39;s late, but there are still a few places availab.e

Super Bowl

It really depends on how much you%26#39;re willing to spend, if you want to be close to the stadium, or close to nightlife.

The game itself will be at the University of Phoenix Stadium, in Glendale AZ. It is about 20-30 min to the west of the airport (depending on traffic of course). Glendale isn%26#39;t the hub of nightlife in the area, but there are some newer restaurants/bars between the football stadium and the new hockey arena, as well as the NFL Experience setup there.

If you%26#39;re more into nightlife, I%26#39;d probably stay near downtown/old town Scottsdale. They are doing some big party things there, similar to New Year%26#39;s Eve, this weekend.

For a younger crowd, Mill Ave in Tempe will also have some nightlife, but typically the college-aged group. Although with the Super Bowl here, I%26#39;m sure there will be all kinds of people around.

Regardless of where you stay, you will almost certainly need a car. We do have public transit, but it is adequate at best. I would imagine there will be some sort of shuttles for getting to/from the stadium from key points of town.

Super Bowl just posted yesterday that there was a hotel that just opened yesterday I believe. You will have to search their site for the name I don%26#39;t remember. I%26#39;m avoiding phoenix this week at all costs. LOL You can also look at places a little farther out like Tempe, Gilber area.

Thanks to AZ-Traveler85253 posting this info yesterday:

';Holiday Inn at 212 W. Osborn (near downtown Phoenix) just passed inspection and has rooms for this week! Contact the hotel web site for more information.';

thanks aztchr...I was going to repeat that:)

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