Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Catalina Park Inn


We read the great reviews of this B and B in a couple of guidebooks and here on Trip Advisor. The only thing I am unsure of is whether the area is safe for walking in. I can%26#39;t tell exactly how close it is to the University. If anyone knows, I%26#39;d be grateful.

Catalina Park Inn


we stayed there back in 2000 - wife and i had a lovely room with side balcony and the boys had the billiard room - which seemed to occupy the whole basement (michael calculated that the bed alone was bigger in area than his whole bedroom back home!!)

its pretty close to teh uniuversity in a residential area and seemed safe enough - we were driving which certainly meant there were no securiy concerns

walking at night i guess would be like any city - keep you wits about ou - but i wouldnt think you would call it unsafe

Catalina Park Inn

It is safe to walk in the area where this B%26amp;B is located. It is about 1/2 mile from the university, and a few blocks from the 4th Ave shopping district.

Thanks for your help. It%26#39;s always good to hear from someone who knows the area.

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