Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Driving from Arizona to Texas

I am thinking about driving from Phoenix, AZ till Texas, via New Mexico.

What cities/plces do you recommend me to visit?

I would like to see some indians, some rodeos etc

I have 8 to 10 days to make this trip. Is it enough?

Tks for any help!

Driving from Arizona to Texas

What are you interested in doing and seeing? Get a map and start looking at places. You can see Native American people all over just doing normal everyday things like us. Now if you are looking at seeing some ruins or museums or attending a powwow (thats open to the public) thats another story.

What time of the year and how many people do you have?? What type of budget ect..... More info is greatly needed.

Driving from Arizona to Texas

From Phoenix to Texas through NM... I would head east on I40 from Flagstaff AZ to Albuquerque. Along the way you can see Petrified Forest Nat Park, Gallup NM, Zuni Pueblo, El Morro Nat Mon, El Malpais Nat Mon, Acoma Pueblo. Once in Albuquerque you can visit the Pueblo Cultural Center as well as Petroglyph Nat Mon.

If you are planning to go into some of the more rural areas, like the Navajo or Hopi Reservations, expect some bad roads. Have the car rental people show you what you need to change a tire.


There also are a lot of paved roads through Navajo and Hopi land, no worries.

Instead of taking the Interstates through Flagstaff you could take the scenic road via Apache Trail (partly unpaved but driveable with a normal car) to Lake Roosevelt, to Globe and via Salt River Canyon to Show Low. See Petrified Forest NP and Painted desert overlook and continue the way CasaAzul described. It will be a detour but have you ever been to Sedona and Grand Canyon NP? If not, these should be you first concerns. And where in Texas are you going to? For Native American culture maybe vist great museums like Heard Museum in Phoenix, and Museum of Northern Az in Flagstaff.


Thank you all for the hints.

I will be back in Brazil in Mid Apr.

So, I will start planning this trip carefully. I shall get in touch with you.

Thank you so much!

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