Monday, April 23, 2012

staying 4 nights at Westin Keirland - want to see Taliensin


we are coming down from frigid Minnesota for some sun in Feb.

We have 4 nights books at the Westin Keirland - and the special thing we%26#39;d like to see is Taliesin West - the Frank Lloyd Wright studio.

We%26#39;re debating on renting a car or not - as we might not really leave the complex.

We%26#39;d go out at night to clubs, but probably taxi there/back since we both like to booze it up.

Other special things in town we shouldn%26#39;t miss that we%26#39;d be glad to have a car for?

thx !!

(it%26#39;s currenly 3F here... brrrr !)

staying 4 nights at Westin Keirland - want to see Taliensin

It was 67 today and in the sun...warmer. I was wearing short-sleeves and feeling very comfortable. Bragging aside...Taliesin west is really nice to visit and only about a 10-15 minute drive from the Westin. If you cab it, just remember that this isn%26#39;t like other (major) cities that have taxis driving around every five minutes. You will have to call, but it%26#39;s no big deal. For heavy drinkers, bar hopping in downtown Scottsdale is a blast (again, about a 15-20 minute drive from your place). There are over 30 bars in roughly a 5 mile radius, so it%26#39;s a drinker%26#39;s delight. We have some new tough DUI be careful if you do rent a car. I would say that if you plan to explore, it is better to rent a car and probably cheaper. If you only plan one trip out, then hail a cab. Have fun!

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