Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cancelations for lodging, do they update the online site?

I%26#39;m planning a trip to the south rim in sept. I%26#39;d like a room, any room, at El Tovar or Bright Angel, but they are not available the week we are going to be there (other than a %26#39;double%26#39; terrace at El Tovar, which is apparently a single room?).

I%26#39;m hoping for a cancelation (I know, I know, along with a million other people). I%26#39;m just wondering if the cancelled rooms become availabe online or if they are only available by calling the reservations line? Does anyone know how current the information on availability is on the Xanterra website?

Any tips for how to find out when cancellations occur?

I%26#39;m planning on booking a room at Maswik this week, since I know I can%26#39;t rely on a cancellation.


Cancelations for lodging, do they update the online site?

If I were you I would take what is available right now and then try for El Tovar or Bright Angel lodging every chance you get for that cancellation.

I have had reservations for Phantom Ranch and Bright Angel and then have to cancel due to something coming up. I have also been able to get Phantom Ranch, Bright Angel and El Tovar reservations at the last minute because someone coundn%26#39;t make their trip.

I believe your best bet is to call Xanterra%26#39;s and talk with a live person rather than to rely on their website. If you can be flexible with your travel dates you might get lucky and get what you really want.

It took me forty minutes with four phones going just to get into Xanterra%26#39;s que on September 1st of 2007. It took another 15 minutes waiting in the que to actually speak with an agent. It was worth the wait because I got North and South rim lodging (where I wanted) and two nights at Phantom Ranch.

Good luck in the future and have a nice trip.

Cancelations for lodging, do they update the online site?

Redsled is right. Take what you can get for now.

You%26#39;ll get more up to date info on cancellations on the phone. Most cancellations never make it to the website.

But don%26#39;t call on the first of the month when everyone is trying to get Phantom Ranch and El Tovar suite reservations.

Cancellations can show up anytime, but usually they are closer to the date (say a month or two in advance) when people realize they can%26#39;t keep to their trip plans.

I checked online this past Saturday for 2 nights this

April and El Tovar showed no availability. I then called Xantera ( had to wait on an operator for about 10 minutes ) and got a guest room w/King bed

for the dates we were looking.

I would call and be patient.

I have three nights booked for a rim cabin for September and I will probably cancel one night. I wasn%26#39;t sure what nights we would be there. That%26#39;s why I reserved three nights. I have heard of other people doing that. So, keep checking.

Thanks for all of the info.

I%26#39;ll try calling as it gets closer to the date.

Just wanted to update:

I called Xanterra today and got a king room at El Tovar for the dates I wanted in September. I didn%26#39;t have to wait on the phone at all, they put me right through to a live person.

Thanks for recommending that I call rather than rely on the website.


I have found Xanterra people very helpful, and have never had to wait unless I was on the Phantom Ranch line.

Way to go Emmer125, I know you are going to have a great time at the Grand Canyon. Maybe I%26#39;ll see you there?

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