Thursday, April 12, 2012

advice on hiking and lodging this weekend in sedona

hi everyone-

i planned a trip to the grand canyon w/ my fiance for this weekend, but our main hope is to go hiking. We arent really into hiking in the snow and ice and it seems that the GC is getting socked with snow tonight so we are thinking of rearranging our trip to stay in Sedona for 2 nights and the last night in the grand Canyon (we are driving from vegas this saturday morning and need to get back to vegas on tuesday night for redeye).

My only trouble is that all my research was for the GC south rim! Can any of the locals give me some advice as to where we should stay to be with in a 20-30 minute drive of some great trails? Also i really only want to do this to avoid major ice and snow. Are the trails icy/snowy? Problem is iwth GC the snow is at the start of the its not like we can go part the way and then turn around to avoid it! So any advice on weather conditions on teh hikes is appreciated! Thanks!!

Anyway. We like to do both short (few miles) and long (up to 15 miles) day hikes.

At night we are not party animals. We%26#39;re in our 30%26#39;s but are from NYC and come to the west to get back wtih nature. That being said, convenient dinner would help (we will pack lunches for the hikes).

Thanks for all your help!

advice on hiking and lodging this weekend in sedona

take a closer look at the weather forecast for gcnp. first, it%26#39;s not getting ';socked with snow.'; snow showers means light snow is falling. second, the day time temps are above freezing. third, the temps will be in the 50%26#39;s when you arrive. call the park and ask about trail condition before you change all your plans.

advice on hiking and lodging this weekend in sedona

hmm. ok thanks Bobbear. looks likey you%26#39;re finding my panic messages all over TA.

Even if there is snow at the GC, you should still go. Only avoid it if there are road hazard warnings posted during a storm. Right now, it looks OK. You can hike at the GC along the rim and still have a great time without decending into the canyon if those trails are icey.

And of course, Sedona will be fine, and there are more trails than you can count within 15 minutes of where ever you are staying in Sedona.

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